browse the vibn features

This is something you have never seen before. Use Vibe it! to record an audio clip to say anything you like about a place. The place will be tagged with the vibe and anonymously shared with all the other VibN users - if you allow it. Vibe it! is a total new way to communicate in real time with other VibN users going beyond just short text messages. Now you can use your voice directly.

With VibN personal you can keep track of the places you spend your time at. In the personal view of the application you will see green bubbles overlaid on a map representing the places that are significant to you as inferred by the application.

The screenshots on the left (from the iPhone version) and on the right (from the Android version) show the personal view. A green bubble indicates a place significant to you. By tapping on a bubble you can see the list of vibe entries recorded by your phone.

Each entry in the vibe list shows the time the vibe was recorded. If an audio clip has been recorded you will see a play button to replay the vibe. If no audio clip was recorded at a particular time you will simply see a date and time.

VibN live shows aggregate, privacy preserving and anonymous vibes from all VibN users in real time. VibN shows the live pulse of the city to let you know what's going on around you right now. VibN shows you the most active places right now. Tap on a red bubble - representing a hotspot - to listen to the live vibes of a place and get real-time information on the breakdown of the place - number of people, gender, age, single/not single.

The screenshots on the left (from the iPhone version) and on the right (from the Android version) show the live view. A red bubble marks a real-time hotspot. By tapping on a bubble you can see the live vibes and other information.

A hotspot's live vibes include demographics of the people (average age, gender, single/ not single) and the audio clips for playback.

VibN historical gives you the ability to replay the hotspots over the past month. The idea is to being able to answer questions like: how many people were at a certain place last week versus four weeks ago? How did the demographics of the people visiting a place change over time?

The screenshots on the left (from the iPhone version) and on the right (from the Android version) show the historical view. A blue bubble marks a historical hotspot. By tapping on a bubble you can jump to a view with the VibN information associated with the hotspot. This information is similar to the vibes found in the live hotspot view. The slider at the bottom of the historical view allows you shift back and forward in time as you like - checkout what happened in a club last week, month, etc.

VibN users have the ability to set their preferences (personal data such as age, gender, and marital status) from the "Settings" view of the application. In the same view users can also customize their privacy settings.



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