PeCS 2011 Videos
Thursday, January 27, 2011
8:30- 8:45 Welcome by workshop chairs
8:45- 9:00 NSF Perspective
Keith Marzullo (Division Director of CNS Division, NSF)
9:00- 9:30 Keynote: Looking Forward to Ubiquitous Computing that Looks Ahead [25 mins talk and 5 mins Q&A]
Gaetano Borriello (University of Washington)
9.30- 10.10 Presentation Session 1: Human Sensing and Smart Devices at Scale [40 mins]
B9: Intelligent transportation / vehicle networks / aerial networks; B10: Smart Health; B11: Sustainability and Energy Management; B12: Theoretical Foundations; |
10:10- 10:30 Coffee break
10:30- 11:55 Breakout session 1 (B1-B4 parallel sessions)
B1: Cloud computing/ crowdsourcing; B2 Machine learning/behavior modeling, data mining ; B3: Privacy/security/ethics; B4: Smart Objects / tags / buildings; |
11:55 - 12:40 Breakout reports and discussion
12:40- 1:40 Lunch and funding agency overviews
(NSF: Sajal Das, Krishna Kant, Sylvia Spengler, Zygmunt Haas; NIH: Wendy Nilsen)
1:40- 2:10 Keynote: Computing for the Future of the Planet [25 mins talk and 5 mins Q&A]
Andy Hopper (Cambridge University)
2:10- 2:40 Presentation Session 2: Ubicomp Problems at Scale [30 mins]
Moderator: Roy Campbell, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Contextual Intelligence: Scalability Issues in Personal Semantic Networks [5 mins] Coordinating Robotic Bee Swarms [5 mins] Ubiquitous Networking for Human Containers [5 mins] Achieving Ubiquity through Hardware Virtualization [5 mins] Q&A [10 mins] |
2:40- 4:10 Breakout session 2 (B5-B8 parallel sessions)
B5: Smart phones; B6: Social networking / modeling; B7: HCI; B8: Energy analysis, harvesting, storage; |
4:10- 4:30 Coffee break
4:30- 5:15 Breakout reports and discussion
5:15- 6:15 Plenary Discussion: 20 years after Mark Weiser's vision on ubiquitous computing - what next?
Mahadev Satyanarayanan(Carnegie Mellon University), Roy Want (Intel)
6:15- 6:45 Free / networking time
6:45- 8:15 Dinner (UW Tower)
Friday, January 28, 2011 (UW Tower)
7:30- 8:00 Breakfast
8:00- 8:30 Keynote talk: Beyond the Lamplight - Lessons from Making Sensor Networks Real
[25 mins talk and 5 mins Q&A]
David Culler (University of California at Berkeley)
8:30- 9:00 Keynote talk: Strategies for the Large Scale Deployment of Energy Monitoring and Sensing
in the Home [25 mins talk and 5 mins Q&A]
Shwetak Patel (University of Washington)
9:00-10:30 Breakout Session 3 (4 parallel sessions) (B10-B12reconcilingreconciling parallel sessions)
B9: Intelligent transportation / vehicle networks / aerial networks; B10: Smart Health; B11: Sustainability and Energy Management; B12: Theoretical Foundations; |
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10:45-11:30 Breakout reports and discussion
11:30-12:00 Closing remarks, plans for written report